My BarStory
The Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association is proud to bring you the most compelling content, and to bring our commitment to the Rule of Law to your favorite podcast stream. As our Bar approached its 150th Anniversary with Legacy 150, you'll hear the impact our Bar has had on some of Northeast Ohio's most distinguished legal leaders. You'll also hear from a new generation, ready to take on work and life with optimism and courage. We honor the past, we look to the future, and we wanna have some fun! Watch our feed for frequent updates!
My BarStory
My BarStory S02E05 - Kathleen Dugan, Joe Gross, Carla M. Tricarichi
In a world where information is online and at our fingertips, we can forget the value of good old personal connections. Like the CMBA, the Cleveland Law Library turned 150 years old recently, and that’s not where the comparisons end. Join Librarian and Chief Administrator Kathleen Dugan, along with Cleveland Law Library Association President and CMBA Board Member Carla M. Tricarichi, and Past President of both the Cleveland Law Library and the CMBA Joe Gross as they recount their treasured memories of the library, and how both organizations stay relevant in the modern world.